Exploring the connection between beauty and food that is as old as civilization itself.
They’ve always said, “You’re what you eat!”
I made my first ever salad during the pandemic when eating healthy and remaining safe from disease was extremely important; not to mention the trauma hospitalization would cause in those times. To keep myself and my family healthy, I started making salads, but without the unnecessary mayonnaise based sauces that give you more calories than you would burn otherwise.
Eventually, my family started seeing the effects of regularly eating healthier foods. We did not completely ditch the traditional Indian cuisine that includes a healthy intake of pulses, legumes, veggies, and rice; but made it a habit to eat a salad every other day as one of our meals, while also cutting down heavily on sugary, oily and fatty foods.
While oily and fatty foods help you improve your gut health, I noticed another change happening to me and my family – we somehow LOOKED healthier. While we could not make out the difference due seeing each other and ourselves in the mirror every day, friends and family who hadn’t seen us in months due to the lockdowns had an eye keen enough to notice the difference.
When we eat healthier, we become Healthier.
After comparing our photos from before we made the shift to eating salads regularly, we saw it too! Our skin health was improving. Having cut down on unhealthy food habits and cultivated eating salads as a good one, our skin was clearer than before, was less oily, and overall looked good.
But before jumping to conclusions, we wanted to be sure as to what was the cause of this improvement. So we went online to look up – and we found the answer we were looking for.
Cutting down oil and fat helps, but water is the ultimate ingredient of a nice and glowing skin.
Cutting down on oils and fats helps you regulate your body’s calorie needs, but the secret to our nice and healthy looking skin was actually water. Salads typically consist of water rich vegetables and fruits. Vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, avocados – well the list can go on – are more than half of their weight in water. But the water in vegetables and fruits has one key difference that regular plain water cannot match – nutrients! So there was the key to improved skin health.
Hydration makes your skin glow.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food..”
— Hippocrates, Father of Medicine.
Eat Healthy, Be Healthy.
And so, there was the prized knowledge we all had for years but had not really bothered to act upon – till the results were staring at us back in the mirror.
What makes your skin healthy?
Well, nutrition is the obvious answer – but also very vague. Let’s break it down.
As I said earlier, water is a big contributor to your skin’s overall health. As your skin stays hydrated and supple from the inside out, it looks plumper and more radiant.
Salads are a great source of fiber, which helps regulate digestion and eliminate toxins – toxins that would also percolate into the skin. A healthy gut microbiome has been linked to a clearer, healthier skin.
Vitamins and Antioxidants
Salads aren’t just water and fiber though – tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants, carrots are a known source of Vit A. Since the salads made at Salad Tub are made with love and a balance in mind, the food we prepare for you is filled with essential vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and more.
Healthy Fats
Fats aren’t bad inherently – our way of intake and the quantity is the culprit. Adding nuts and seeds to your salad provides healthy fats that help keep your skin moisturized and supple. These fats also support the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A andE
We know for sure that salads are a key part of a glowing skin and that’s why we make yummy salads that are also healthy for you.
The nutrients in salads directly nourish skin cells, promoting their health and function. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage skin cells and contribute to aging. Hydration maintains skin elasticity and prevents dryness. A balanced diet, including plenty of salads, supports overall health, which is reflected in a healthy, glowing skin that others are sure to take notice of.
My name is Sonal Maheshwari and I make healthy, tasty, and yummy salads for you to subscribe to. To know more about me and my cafe in Pune, visit our website, or simply follow us on social media.
Also read: Summer and Salads: A perfect Cool
Website: saladtub.co.in
Instagram: @saladtub_pune